Sunday, December 13, 2009

What facial characteristics add up to beauty?

I want to find out if beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder or if people share some opinions. What facial characteristics and coloring are attractive in a woman? In a man? Be as specific as possible. I'm referring to facial beauty, since body structure preference varies so much.What facial characteristics add up to beauty?
I think my personal taste probably strays from the rest. For me, I really like round faces with chubby cheeks. Freckles are always a plus. Natural medium to full lips are preferred. Lip implants look just awful. I've always liked a pale complexion with dark or red hair. Boyish short hair with a lot of chppy layers almost always catches my attention. Long hair with full bangs is always nice, too. Rounded or pudgy noses are cute. I like unique noses rather than what most would consider ';The perfect nose.'; For some reason, I find an overbite intriguing and braces cute. Overly white teeth seem unnatural, as does overly tanned skin. I like the ';cute and innocent'; look over the ';hot and sexy'; look. Round eyes over almond shaped eyes, though eye shape not high up on the list. Eye color means absolutely nothing. Every color looks nice in it's own way. Over waxing your eyebrows usually brings attention to them, not usually in a good way. I like them moderately filled and not pencil thin. Doesn't have to be perfectly arched.What facial characteristics add up to beauty?
In a man, i find a strong brow, blue or green eyes, a large but not giant nose; idk, i've always been more attracted to guys with more prominent noses, nice, straight teeth and a big, warm smile, a strong jaw, and i like scruff/ facial hair as well. I also find dark hair and kind of tan most attractive.

In women, i think they are pretty when the have well defined cheekbones- but not super high or super pronounced- wide, bright eyes that are not too close together, a slender, small nose, well arched eyebrows, nicely shaped lips and a strong but slender chin. Also, very fair skin and red or dark hair.
';there's no genetic code that says who and who is pretty and who isnt. everything is relative. back in the old days, fat people who considered attractive. nowadays they're considered fat and ugly. its all relative.. relative to the time and the enviroment and society';

Actually, some people appear unattractive to others because their brain is telling them that their genes are bad, and that they shouldn't mate with them. Attractiveness come almost entirely down to hormones. Like estrogen. Women who produce more estrogen are better mates, so the traits that women who have more estrogen have are considered more attractive by men, because their instincts are telling them that woman would be a better mate. Women who have more estrogen have bigger eyes, bigger lips, smaller noses, and better cheek structure. These are attractive traits. The reason they are attractive is because of the estrogen. Women who are considered ugly usually have less estrogen in their bodies. They tend to have small eyes, thin lips, fat cheeks, big noses, etc. They are not unattractive because they are ugly, they are unattractive because their lack of the right chemical balance of the female hormone.

The same goes with men, for testosterone. Men with more testosterone have bigger muscles, bigger chins, and overall look manly. It's all part of the brains system for finding a mate. Because women with more estrogen will be better mates, and because men with more testosterone will be better mates, our brains tell us that they are attractive. It's basic instincts.

Studies have also shown that facial symmetry is attractive, because the brain makes the distinction that facial symmetry = lack of bad genes. If your cells work the way they're supposed to based on your genes, then your body should be symmetrical. If your genes aren't great, you might not be as symmetrical as you should be. This indicates a problem in genes, and warns potential mates that they shouldn't breed with you because of your genes.

Also - the reason that fatness was once considered beautiful was because that indicates more wealth, and in women, it indicates better warmth and chance of survival for the baby. I'm not sure why being skinny is so much better now, but oh well.

Attraction comes down to basic primal instincts and hormones. It sucks, I know. I hope I helped.
people only share some opinions because they were brought up in the same enviroment.

there's no genetic code that says who and who is pretty and who isnt. everything is relative. back in the old days, fat people who considered attractive. nowadays they're considered fat and ugly. its all relative.. relative to the time and the enviroment and society
large eyes and high cheekbones for both. The rest is different in different people;s minds, but large eyes and high cheekbones are pretty much universal standards. Coloring is different in different countries, but in dark-skinned countries, pale is considered pretty, and in light skinned countries, tan is.
To consider a girl pretty, I look for high cheekbones, full lips, a small nose, eye lids that show a lot of eye lid, and eyes on the bigger side.

I'm not sure what I look for in a guy. I think I like darker features, but I've dated a lot of very different looking cute guys. It's personality. And teeth.
I think all men's like girls beauty '; smart and sexy look ';

and that depende to envirorment , that like makeup

dark color on night and light color in the morning .

And color depend to women's look . So you see women's look
For a guy i look for clean well kept hair

[ i prefer brown %26amp; wavy or short %26amp; blond ]

a great smile :)

cute nose and pretty eyes.

For a girl to look pretty.

again well kept hair.

small nose, full lips, high cheekbones %26amp; great eyes

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