Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where can you get Beauty Without Cruelty facial mask, purifying?

NOT ONLINE PLEASE. like in an actual drugstore or store or anywhere outside. IN THE U.S. SAN JOSE CALI. plz. if anyone knows where they sell that specific product?Where can you get Beauty Without Cruelty facial mask, purifying?
Umm... I think walgreens, Eckards, CVS, Walmart, The Sally Henson store, Pretty anywhere tht sells beauty supplies..Not really a hard question..think about!!!...CassieWhere can you get Beauty Without Cruelty facial mask, purifying?
ok. thanks a lot cassie! god your the only one who actually answered my question Report Abuse

ok u can go to a store and ask 4 garnier nutrisioniste nutri-pure or proactiv but garnier is easier and it only cost $4.i used it u just leave it on your face 4 five minutes in 2 wks and wala it works.
just go to Osco Drug or something and get the Biore self heating mask! it works! =)

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